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Security Analysis

Using the properties of dynamical systems, we can evaluate cryptologic security as follows [5,7,8].

Sensitive dependence on Initial Conditions
 A sufficient condition that two ciphertexts from a pair of adjacent plaintexts (or keys) be independent is

\begin{displaymath}n = 2.39 \log_2 M + 15. \end{displaymath}

If A and M are relatively prime, we can reduce n to

\begin{displaymath}n=1.66\log_2 M+15. \end{displaymath}

Exponential Information Decay
 We can analytically calculate the correlation between plaintexts and ciphertexts using the invariant measure and the Perron-Frobenius operator [3,4].

Assuming uniform distribution of plaintexts, we can calculate the correlation function between plaintexts and ciphertexts. The correlation decay is exponential: (2a-1)n. The decay rate (2a-1)n may be universal to be relevant in various properties of the encryption function FA such as the invariant measure, the quantity to represent the strength of the mixing property, and the KS entropy.

Bitwise Independence
 The probability that the i-th bit of a plaintext is 1(or 0) and the j-th bit of a ciphertext is 1 (or 0) is $\frac{1}{4}$ in the limit as $n\to\infty$. In other words, a bit of a plaintext and one of a ciphertext are independent of each other. To derive the above result, we benefit from the fact that fa is mixing [4].
Evaluation of Iteration Number by the KS Entropy
We can apply the KS entropy hKS [1,3]

\begin{displaymath}h_{KS}(\tilde{f_a}^n) = n\lambda \cong H(P) = \log \vert P\vert \end{displaymath}

to evaluate the required iteration number n. The KS entropy is in conjunction with the information theoretical entropy.

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