Intuitively, we would like to let fan(x) (n is a sufficiently large integer) be the ciphertext corresponding to a plaintext . However, decryption uniqueness would be lost in this configuration since fais two-to-one. To overcome this improperness, we discretize the plaintext space, the ciphertext space, the key space, and the transformation, constructing a one-to-one map explicitly.
For simplicity, we stretch the domain and the range of the skew tent
map from [0,1] to [0,M]. We denote this rescaled skew tent map by
FA. The integer
M = 2128 is equal to the cardinality of the
plaintext space
the ciphertext space
the key space
these spaces are defined by
Next, let us consider the conditions for a discretized skew tent map
to satisfy
(see Fig. 2). The black points on the x axis is the points
If we set FA(X) as the state after
there would arise two inconsistencies:
a point from the left and another
point from the right would possibly collide after transformation, and
generally speaking,
Accordingly, we define a discretized skew tent map
as follows:
X is transformed into the number of black points in the region enclosed with the two circles in Fig. 2.
If FA(X1) = FA(X2), X1 < A < X2, then we define and so that . is one-to-one mapping on .
FS-CES is defined by the encryptor